Humans Are Visual Creatures

Here we gathered some interesting facts to emphasize why using visual aids in scientific communication is so important. (more…)

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The Importance of Good Visual Design in Horizon 2020 Grant Proposals

Horizon 2020 H2020 is European Union's Research and Innovation programme, a financial instrument with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). The best-known H2020 sections are: European Research Council (ERC) grants, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) funds, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) funding instrument, Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot. When writing Horizon 2020 grant proposals, we are usually in a hurry to finish before the deadline. This is why many ...

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5 Websites with Free Science Art and Photos

Did you know that you can get professional clipart images and stock photos to use free of charge in your research papers, posters and PowerPoint presentations? Even if it is in restricted-access papers that could be interpreted as commercial use? Below we present a selection of free image repositories with scientifically-appropriate content, which is especially convenient to use in graphical abstracts. We added notes on the terms and conditions of use, so that you can be confident you're using the material in the right way. However, always check the journal's policy on ...

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How to Create an Effective Graphical Abstract • Guide

What is a graphical abstract? A graphical abstract (also called 'visual TOC' or 'TOC figure' or 'visual abstract') is a figure that succinctly visually conveys what your research is about. They have been a part of scientific publications for decades in some research fields (e.g. chemistry) but have only recently penetrated other research fields. As there is not a lot of literature on graphical abstracts, I'll share some of my findings from analyzing thousands of graphical abstracts from different journals. (more…)

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7 Graphical Abstracts You Could Make With PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most used computer programs among scientists, so it's probably not far from the truth to say it's also the most used program for creating graphical abstracts. From the 2007 edition onwards, it comes with a rich array of drawing and design tools that can be easily accessed from the Insert and Format tabs. Below we're presenting a selection of graphical abstracts that could have been created with PowerPoint. (more…)

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Which Software Can I Use to Create Graphical Abstracts?

You can create graphical abstracts with various kinds of software, depending on your needs. Some programs are simple to use and you are probably familiar with them already. Others need some time and effort to learn, but provide much more drawing tools. Here we prepared some tips to help you choose the software that will work best for you. Also check our next post for general guidelines on creating good graphical abstracts. The programs below are listed according to their accessibility and simplicity of use. Microsoft Paint Paint comes ...

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5 Reasons Why Your Papers Should Have Graphical Abstracts

As you most probably know from your own experience, scientists are overwhelmed by their work. From the first day of the PhD studies, you have to constantly follow literature, do your research, and communicate through papers and conferences. Once your career advances, you will also have to apply for funding and patents, hire and manage people, teach and mentor students and so on. Therefore, when you are preparing any scientific communication, you should consider the readers: they are most probably busy, overworked and tired, just like you. The communication method you use ...

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Scientific Graphical Abstracts – Everything You Should Know

Although graphical abstracts have been around for decades in chemical journals, the concept is quite new in several other fields such as medicine, life sciences, and ...

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